• A QNUPS is a Qualifying Non UK Pension Scheme
• Not to be confused with Qualifying Recognised Overseas Pension Schemes (QROPS).
• Came into force on 15th February 2010 by HMRC.
• Generating opportunities for British expatriates concerning tax efficiency of local taxes and inheritance tax (IHT).
Who would consider a QNUPS?
• UK Expatriates or soon to be Expatriated
• UK Expatriates with existing QROPS schemes.
• Expats who my wish to return to the UK in the future.
• The high net worth UK resident or domiciled individuals with maximised income tax relievable pension contributions.
Benefits of QNUPS?
Retired British Expats Can Benefit From;
• UK inheritance tax and local succession taxes will not be payable from the QNUPS fund upon death.
• QNUPS will avoids local succession law, enabling you control who inherits what and how much. Thus removing the need for PETS (Potentially Exempt Transfers) as part of Inheritance Tax Planning.
• Income can be taken from age 55 (after 6th April 2010)
• Income can be deferred until age 75.
• No need to have any employment income to make contributions.
• Ability to continue investing even after age 80 even though you have been retired for many years giving rise to substantial tax advantages.
• Ability to take a lump sum as you would with any other pension scheme.
• There are no limits on contributions to the fund, nor fund size.
• Income is taken from the fund as drawn, leaving the remaining assets invested with an opportunity to grow in value tax free.
• Investment flexibility, with investments in stocks, bonds, alternative investments, deposits, real estate, private equity, options and life policies. Due to the non reporting freedom the fund manager in essence has the ability to invest in an even wider range of assets in comparison to QROPS, including; art, wine, boats aircraft and even residential property.
• Take income and benefits in currency of your choice reducing currency risk
• Trustee has no reporting requirements or obligations to HMRC on all assets transferred in outside of authorised UK pension Schemes
Disadvantages Of QNUPS
• You don’t receive any tax relief on the amount you invest.
What Opportunities Does QNUPS Offer to High Earners as UK Residents or Domiciles?
The introduction of the highest rate of income tax of fifty percent has meant that Higher Earners (UK Resident or Domiciled) will be experiencing restrictions on the levels of tax relief they can gain via pension contributions. As UK Residents or Domiciled individuals they will have the ability to contribute to a QNUPS and capitalise on all its benefits.
What’s the difference between QNUPS and QROPS?
• A QNUPS has no Double Taxation Agreement between the UK and the country where the QNUPS is therefore it has no reporting requirements or obligations to HMRC.
• A QNUPS is a Qualifying Non UK Pension Scheme
• A QROPS as per of the Double Taxation Agreements in place are required to report to HMRC for the first 5 years.
• Existing QROPS can be transferred into a QNUPS as an more tax effective wrapper.
In essence A QROPS can be definition as a QNUPS and a QNUPS can be (but need not be) a QROPS
HMRC are looking very closely at non-UK domiciles (recent case of Gaines-Cooper http://talkqrops.blogspot.com/2010/02/qrops-advice-qrops-newsgaines-cooper.html ) and you could be resident overseas but still deemed to be domiciled in the UK and liable to pay IHT, if HMRC can establish that Britain was the country which you still regarded as home at the time of your death. QNUPS helps with this issue as it makes your assets exempt from IHT UK domiciled or not even if you have returned to the UK.
QNUPS Jurisdictions
• Guernsey
• New Zealand
• Hong Kong
Others likely to join
• Isle of Man
• Gibraltar
• Malta
Where can I get QNUPS Advice?
Email your enquiry to qrops@aifsg.com or call 0044 1664 444625. For further information go to www.qnupsadvice.com. QNUPS Advice is provided by Argent International Financial Services Group. International is a highly respected financial services group of companies, specializes in comprehensive and independent financial advisory, wealth management, company and trust administration services to private, corporate and institutional investors. For over 22 years we have assisted investors to enhance their financial position and make the most of the opportunities available in the global financial market. For details of all our services including QROPS and QNUPS go to http://www.aifsg.com
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